TSF Launcher for Android on Google Nexus 7

評分4.0(3)·免費·AndroidCameraLauncherallowsyoutoeasilyopenyourcameraappfromanywherebyswipingupfromthehomebutton(Android5.1andearlier)orholdingdownthe ...,Thisapplicationallowsyoulaunchthecameraapplication(CameraLauncher)...Thisapphelpsyoutriggert...。參考影片的文章的如下:


Camera Launcher - APK Download for Android

評分 4.0 (3) · 免費 · Android Camera Launcher allows you to easily open your camera app from anywhere by swiping up from the home button (Android 5.1 and earlier) or holding down the ...

Camera (Nexus 7) 1.2 Free Download

This application allows you launch the camera application (Camera Launcher) ... This app helps you trigger the default video camera app of Nexus 7 and...

Nexus 7 Camera App?

There is an app called camera launcher for nexus 7 by modaco. I found it in the play store it's free, it's only about 19KB and it does the ...

Nexus 7 Camera Launcher (APK)

Download Nexus 7 Camera Launcher app for Android. Light weight camera launcher for the Nexus 7 tablet.. ✓ Virus Free.

A Simple Camera Launcher.... - Nexus 7 Apps

Hey All, I just downloaded a camera launcher app from GP. It's supposed to be a simple app, made for the N7, that launches the camera or cam ...

Nexus 7 Camera

評分 2.8 (45) · 免費 Product features · A quick shortcut to the Nexus 7 camera that is hidden from the users by default · Uses the default in-built camera app.

How To Get The Camera App On The Nexus 7

Article: http://www.phonebuff.com/2012/08/open-camera-nexus-7/ If you have a Nexus 7, you probably noticed that there is no app shortcut for ...

[APP] Nexus 7 Camera Unlocker

Hi, I'm here to show my Nexus 7 camera launcher. The big difference to others is multi language support. This software unlocks camera ...

[APP] Nexus 7 Camera Launcher

The Camera app isn't available in stock, so I wrote a little tool, now available free in the Play Store! :)


評分4.0(3)·免費·AndroidCameraLauncherallowsyoutoeasilyopenyourcameraappfromanywherebyswipingupfromthehomebutton(Android5.1andearlier)orholdingdownthe ...,Thisapplicationallowsyoulaunchthecameraapplication(CameraLauncher)...ThisapphelpsyoutriggerthedefaultvideocameraappofNexus7and...,Thereisanappcalledcameralauncherfornexus7bymodaco.Ifounditintheplaystoreit'sfree,it'sonlyabout19KBanditdoesthe ....